Our Vision


Teachers 4 Social Justice believes in evolving a society based on equity and love, where each person has access to resources regardless of race, gender, ability, age, socio-economic status, sexual orientation, or faith, for intellectual, spiritual, artistic, and emotional growth. This visionary society’s political, economic, and cultural systems and structures uphold the people’s right to participate in the decisions that affect them and ensures interactions that are based on respect and cooperation towards a sustainable future.

T4SJ is united in the belief that children are the foundation of our future and that teachers, parents, and communities are crucial to a child’s growth and development. Toward this end, we need to foster relationships that preclude violence and incarceration.

T4SJ shall actualize schools as an extension of the community, reflecting the different histories, issues, and forms of resistance of our diverse peoples. These schools support the efforts of people to develop a critical understanding of their power and role in affecting meaningful change at the local, national, and global levels.


Teachers 4 Social Justice is a grassroots non-profit teacher support and development organization. Our mission is to provide opportunities for self-transformation, leadership, and community building to educators in order to affect meaningful change in the classroom, school, community and society.

T4SJ organizes teachers and community-based educators and implements programs and projects that develop empowering learning environments, more equitable access to resources and power, and realizing a just and caring culture.


  1. Involvement of teachers of color in all aspects of the organization is crucial.
  2. Democratic decision-making processes need to be upheld, ensuring the meaningful participation of every member in systems and structures.
  3.  Shared accountability for our actions as individuals and as an organization.
  4. Learning and collective action is a partnership between the students, teachers, parents, and community.
  5. Our actions address root causes of systems of oppression at individual, group, and societal levels (racism, sexism, homophobia, age-ism, able-ism, etc.)
  6. The development of our organization is based on the evolution of our individual and collective processes.


  1. Maintain a network of progressive educators to develop an environment of support and professional development.
  2. Sustain a membership that is engaged in a continuing process of critical self-reflection and growth.
  3. Evolve an education system that is responsive to the needs of the communities it serves and promotes equitable access to resources and power.
  4. A membership with a level of competency in creating empowering learning environments.